Calendar listings are free! To list your non-profit group or club's events, send the date, time, location and contact phone to P.O. Box 5426, Cleveland, Ohio 44101, or fax to 216-631-1052, or email to Each week's calendar shows events in the upcoming week only, plus selected later events. But it's never too early to send in a calendar item; listings for months into the future are posted on our web site. Deadline for each week's calendar is noon on Thursday of the previous week.
Friday, December 4
Dignity Cleveland 25th Anniversary prayer service and reception, Bishop Anthony Pilla presiding, 7 pm prayer service, $5 advance ticket required for 8 pm reception, Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, 1007 Superior Ave., Cleveland; 216486-0156 or 216-731-5365.
"Sway to Red, Hot, and Rhapsody," premier party for Sway art and AIDS magazine, listening party for new Gershwin groove CD, $5 donation, 7 pm, Cleveland Center for Contemporary Art, John, 216-621-0766.
A Celebration of Hope and Memories, reflection and remembrance of those lost to gaybashings, AIDS, or other life-threatening illnesses, comfort to families and friends, gay-bashing survivors and those living with HIV, Beacon Fellowship and Lamb of God Anglican Church, 7:30 pm, Broad Street United Methodist Church, 501 E. Broad St., Columbus; 614-252-7288 or 614-265-1725.
Chevrei Tikva Chanukah Nosh of the Month, followed by 8 pm Shabbat Service, 6:15 pm, Taj Mahal Restaurant, corner of Mayfield and Coventry Roads, Cleveland Hts; 216-932-5551.
Twentysomething Literary Discussion, 8 pm Cleveland Lesbian-Gay Center, 1418 W. 29 St., Cleveland; 216-522-1999.
Saturday, December 5
Bazaar '98 Festival of Peace and Diversity, displays, goods for sale, modern dance, folk singing, poetry, including Windsong Feminist Chorus, free admission, 10 am to 4 pm, Calvary Presbyterian Church, E. 79th St. and Euclid Ave., Cleveland; 216991-2640.
Cleveland City Country Dancers Potluck and Square Dance, 6:30 pm potluck, 7-10 pm dance, Archwood United Church of Christ, 2800 Archwood Avenue off Pearl Rd., Cleveland; 216-321-6843.
An Evening of Poetry and Song with Hazel Chapman, by Oven Productions, smokefree event, limited tickets available only until Nov. 28, $20 includes dinner, 8 pm, Inn on Coventry, 2785 Euclid Ave., Cleveland Hts.; 216-371-1811. Latin/Salsa/South American Party, chem-free disco, $2, 8 pm, old Northminster Presbyterian Church, 203 King Avenue, between Neil and High Sts., Columbus; 614-470-5162.
"Home for the Holidays" Dance, with New York DJ Susan Morabito, $25 advance, $50 VIP, $35 at the door, benefits AmFAR's HIV/AIDS Treatment Directory, Code Blue night club, 1946 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland; or 216-556-0294, tickets 800-494-8497 (800-494-TIXS).
Sunday, December 6
Studio Sale, art for sale by local artists including gay artists, 10 am to 5 pm, ArtCraft Bldg. sixth floor, 2570 Superior Ave., Cleveland; 216-589-9371 or 216-579-9263. Holiday Tea, benefit for Cleveland Lesbian-Gay Center, DJ Michael Thomas, Donation: $15 in advance, 3 pm, Wish night club, 621 Johnson Ct. between West 6th and 9th in the Warehouse District, Cleveland; 216-522-1999. Holiday Chili Open, chili contest, art auction, raffles, entertainment, sponsored by Trident International Cleveland, benefits Cleveland AIDS Taskforce food bank, 5-10 pm, Ohio City Oasis, 2909 Detroit Ave., Cleveland; info, donations or entry forms 216-651-0518.
"AIDS and Research; Africa," 5 pm discussion with Dr. Robert Wallis, immediately followed by 7:30 pm performance of Perestroika, part two of Angels in America play by Tony Kushner about AIDS and homosexuality in the Reagan era, Dobama Theatre, 1846 Coventry Rd., Cleveland Hts.; 216-932-6838.
HUGS East Ethnic Dinner, 6 pm, Flying Burrito Cantina, 1410 Hubbard Rd. (Ohio route 528), Madison; 440-974-8909.
BWMT-Cleveland Christmas Party, Black and White Men Together, benefits AIDS Taskforce food bank, refreshments, gift exchange, members $5, guests $10, 8 to 11 pm, 11620 Lake Ave., Cleveland; 216-651-6208.
"Merry Gentlemen," holiday music from around the world, North Coast Men's Chorus concert, 8 pm, Euclid Avenue Congregational Church, 9606 Euclid Ave., Cleveland; 440-473-8919 or TicketMaster 216-241-5555.
"Welcome Christmas," Columbus Gay Men's Chorus holiday concert, 8 pm, Weigal Hall, Ohio State University campus, Columbus; 614-228-2462 or Box Office Tickets, 800-494-8497 (800-494-TIXS).
Gay Men's Wellness Workshop series postponed until spring, originally set for this date, Dayton; 937-274-1776.
Sunday, December 13
Chevrei Tikva Theater Outing, to see Angels in America Parts I and II, 2 pm, Dobama Theatre, 1846 Coventry Rd., Cleveland Hts.; 216-932-5551.
"Let It Snow!" Cincinnati Men's Chorus concert, $12 to $20, 2:07 pm, Aronoff Center, Jarson-Kaplan theater, corner of 6th and Walnut, downtown Cincinnati; http:// or 513-861-5211 or 513-542-2626. "Welcome Christmas," Columbus Gay Men's Chorus holiday concert, 2:30 pm, Weigal Hall, Ohio State University campus, Columbus; 614-228-2462 or Box Office tickets 800-494-8497 (800-494-TIXS).
"Merry Gentlemen,” holiday music from around the world, North Coast Men's Chorus concert, 3 pm, Pilgrim Church, 2592 W. 14th St., Cleveland; 440-473-8919 or TicketMaster 216-241-5555.
Monday, December 14
Book reading, Beyond the Pale by Elana Dykewoman, about Russian Jewish lesbians who immigrated to North America at the turn of the twentieth century, 7:30 pm, Borders Books, The Promenade of Westlake, 30121 Detroit Rd., Cleveland; Scott 216-621-0155.
Highlights of upcoming weeks
For a detailed list of events extending months into the future, see our web site:
Thursday, December 17
Akron Area National Organization for Women Dinner, optional gift exchange under $5, men buy for men, women buy for women, 6:30 pm, Geisen House, Interstate 77 north of North Canton, RSVP Judy Byrd 330-453-2609 or Insight Member Appreciation Dinner, personal, social, and business network for lesbians, gays, and bisexuals, at a Cleveland area restaurant; 216-556-0576. Saturday, December 19
Sing Out Toledo! Holiday Concert, free, 2:30 pm, Toledo Museum of Art Great Gallery, 2445 Monroe St.; 419-891-7354.
Sunday, December 20
Winter Solstice Gathering, women only potluck supper and ceremony, 5 pm, Susan B. Anthony Women's Land Trust, Athens, Ohio; ad965( or 740448-7242.
1999 Womyn's Variety Show kickoff planning meeting, 6 pm, Unitarian Society, Thursday, December 24 2728 Lancashire Rd., Cleveland Hts., 216-321-7799.
Monday, December 7
"Lighting the Pathway to Personal Growth,” networking workshop for educators by Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network, free, parking $1, 7 pm, Columbus Metropolitan Main Library, 96 S. Grant Ave.; 614-253-5033.
Stonewall Akron Holiday Party, bring party food, 7:30 pm, at a member's Akron area home, directions 330-865-0711.
Itzhak Perlman at Severance Hall, benefits AIDS Housing Council, 8 pm, Severance Hall, 11001 Euclid Ave., Cleveland; 216-231-1111.
Tuesday, December 8
Rangers Leather/Uniform Club open meeting "looking for a few good men and women to join," 7:30 pm, Adams Street night club, 77 N. Adams St., Akron; 216589-8588.
Friday, December 11
Annual Community Christmas Eve Service, 10:30 pm, Metropolitan Community Church, 1630 E. Fifth St., St. Anne's Historic District of Dayton; 937-228-4031. Thursday, December 31
Hobbs New Year's Eve Party, over 350 rooms and second floor of Cincinnati Regal Hotel reserved for private lesbian-gay party, includes 8 pm dinner and breakfast in the morning, 150 W. 5th St., info Michelle 513-721-3713 or, 800-876-2100 hotel reservations, request Hobbs party.
Thursday, February 26 to Sunday, February 29, 1999 OutWrite '99, gay and lesbian writers' conference, Boston Park Plaza, Boston, Mass.; or or 617-262-6969. True Spirit Conference '99, "for people born female for whom that is not an adequate or accurate description of who they are" and friends and allies, Best Western Hotel, Laurel Maryland; write P.O. Box 1118, Elkton, Md. 21922, or
Log Cabin Republicans Holiday Party, 5-8 pm, 861 Neal Ave., Victorian Village Sunday, March 21 to Saturday, March 27, 1999 (Columbus); RSVP by Dec. 8, 614-265-7535.
"Hospice, A Supported Journey," 6 pm discussion immediately followed by 7:30 pm performance of Perestroika, part two of Angels in America play by Tony Kushner about AIDS and homosexuality in the Reagan era, Dobama Theatre, 1846 Coventry Rd., Cleveland Hts.; 216-932-6838.
14th Annual Christmas Celebration, for people who care about people with AIDS, worship service with Detroit Together Men's Chorus and St. John's Festival Choir, 7:30 pm. St. John's Episcopal Church, Royal Oak, Mich.; 734-459-7319. "Columbus Questionable” drag basketball games, three half-court games featuring former Bat-n-Rouge players, “men” and “women” players, players will compete for the titles of Mr. and Ms. Question-Mark, audience contests, $5 benefits Stonewall Columbus gay, lesbian, bisexual advocacy group, 8 pm, Wall Street night club, 144 N. Wall St., Columbus; 614-299-7764 or Saturday, December 12
Holiday Party at Berkshire House, art work of Judith Angelo displayed for sale, everyone welcome, noon to 5 pm, 2953 Berkshire Cleveland Hts; Sue 216932-0977.
"Let it Snow!" Cincinnati Men's Chorus concert, $12 to $20, 2:07 pm and 8:07 pm, 2:07 pm show partly benefits AIDS Volunteers of Northern Kentucky, Aronoff Center, Jarson-Kaplan theater, corner of 6th and Walnut, downtown Cincinnati; or 513-861-5211 or 513-542-2626.
"Equality Begins at Home,” a week of events in all 50 states to promote gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender equality, sponsored by the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force and the Federation of Statewide Political Organizations, date TBA for rally at Ohio Statehouse; 216-522-1999.
Sunday, April 30, 2000
Millenium March on Washington, sponsored by the Human Rights Campaign and the Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches; 202-628-4160.
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